The steps of a man are established by the Lord, when he delights in his way.

Psalm 37:23


by Marian L. Ang

God delights in every detail of our lives, from the mundane to the serious concerns. When we come before the Lord with a heart of dependence, not wanting to make choices without His guidance, God is honored that we value His directions.

God pays attention to our heart’s desires. He knows when we sit or lie down or rise. He knows our inner thoughts and worries. He knows the number of hairs on our heads. But even though He knows everything about us, He wants us to know Him as we embark on the prayer journey waiting for Him to answer and point us in the right direction. When we have the habit of praying over the small things, it becomes second nature for us to pray when hard times come. 

Our God, who created the stars and knows each of them by name, knows our names. He remembers us and delights in our prayers. Even when the answers may not come right away, we can trust that He gives good things to those who wait upon Him. Nothing is too petty to ask God. People may annoy us when they bug us for seemingly trivial matters. Still, God is never irritated by our incessant petitions as we go to Him first before telling anyone of our problems. It delights Him to listen to our 24/7 prayers whispered to Him without hesitation nor reservation.



Heavenly Father, we approach You with humble hearts, knowing that You delight in every detail of our lives. We seek Your guidance and direction, valuing Your involvement in our decision-making. Help us develop a habit of prayer, bringing even the small things before You, trusting that You hear and answer according to Your perfect timing. May our prayers reflect our dependence on You and our deepening relationship with You, in Jesus’ name, amen.