Please read Acts 1; Isaiah 40:31

But as for me, I will look to the Lord; I will wait for the God of my salvation; my God will hear me.

Micah 7:7


by Elder Chris Beltran

Waiting is a difficult thing to do, especially in our generation of instant coffee, instant noodles, fast foods, and real-time responses. Practically everyone is in a hurry and wants everything to be quick and fast. But we know that the quality of good food, long and lasting relationships, and especially our quiet time with the Lord cannot be instant or rushed.

It is about waiting expectantly and with hope. Being able to wait means trusting God’s character and goodness. Waiting on the Lord is something the godly and patient followers do. It’s about holding on, hoping with expectation and trust, knowing that our Lord will always fulfill His promises. There are times when God will delay His answer, and we will at times wonder why, but, in knowing the Lord, we trust that He will come at the perfect moment, not a second too soon or too late.

Waiting on the Lord has two key elements: complete dependence on God and a willingness to allow Him to decide the terms, including the timing of His plan. Trusting God with the timing of events is one of the hardest things to do. But as James 1:4 encourages us, waiting on the Lord produces character in the life of the Christian in that it involves patience. And those who stood the tests of these trials, the Lord has promised us the crown of life.



Heavenly Father, in a world of instant gratification, teach us the value of waiting on You with expectant hope. Help us trust in Your character and goodness, knowing that You fulfill Your promises in Your perfect timing. As we wait on You, help us cultivate a complete dependence on You and a patient spirit that produces a character all for Your glory, in Jesus’ name, amen.